Monday 25 February 2013

Week 6 - Photo Manipulation and Channels

In this task I looked at how channels can be used to select and alter images. By using the channel box I chose a channel with a lot of contrast. Then by using the adjustment curves to create a black and white image. By pasting this into a new layer mask on my original image I removed the sky from the original. By then pasting in a new sky and using the colour match option I created two scenes, a night time and day time desert scene.

The second task for this week was to manipulate an image of an alleyway to make it appear more run down.
Original image:
Halfway mark: (altered windows, chair and watermarks)

Finished image:

Thursday 21 February 2013

Week 5 - Tiling Textures

This week I focused on learning how to make tileable 512 x 512 textures. I created a basic metal flooring using a base texture and shape tools. I added a drop shadow to make the shapes stand out.

I added basic coloured lines on a new layer and used a layer mask to add scratches. I found making the lines match up at each end when tiling quite difficult.

A tiled section:

I then created a variation experimenting with alpha maps (Diffuse, Alpha pattern and final in maya)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Week 4 - Baking Normals from a texture

For this task we used Photoshop and XNormals to create normal maps from various texture photos. I created a tileable texture using the offest filter and the clone stamp and crop tools. Then by using blurring and greyscales I created the normal map.

Monday 11 February 2013

Week 3 - High poly crate

In order to learn about normal, AO and specular maps, we were tasked with Uving, texturing and mapping a futuristic crate. Normals were baked from a high and low poly version and both Maya and XNormals used.