Thursday 31 January 2013

Week 2 - Spellbook

For this week we were tasked with creating a spell book. The model had to be less than 300 polygons and the texture was 512 x 512.

By using an old green leather texture and numerous layers of symbols with a bevel/emboss effect on them, I created the object.

I found the hardest part of this task was making sure all the different layers blended well together with a consistent colour. I learnt a lot about using different blending modes in the layers section. I also had to make sure that the lines on the pages matched up correctly on the model.

The finished UV sheet and model (rendered in Marmoset)

EDIT: During Week 3 I went back to improve my spellbook and added more detail with a burn tool. Here is the finished object

Monday 28 January 2013

Week 1 - Wooden Crates

During the first lesson of game texturing we focused on creating a pile of wooden crates using Maya and Photoshop. The textures and modelling are all original work.

When starting my crates, I made sure to make the boxes square by snapping the planes to the grid. Then, creating UVs using the camera made a perfect square in which to build my texture.

To create a wood texture I used a combination of noise and blur filters along with hand painted highlights. I created the highlights in order to make sure the crates could be lit from any angle.

Below are images of my diffuse texture and the finished asset (rendered in Marmoset)

In order to improve these textures I need to work more on the inner shadows and add variation to the wood grain such as knots in the wood.